Adam Burrows


i believe in peaceful protest, i support equality

when i witness such a thing i feel a stir

i’ve been told about ohm’s law, of voltage and of currents

i’m amazed at how a microwave works

my psychiatrist is helping me uncover repressed thoughts 

to force the unresolved to consciousness 

i have a layman’s grasp on different types of opposition 

but one that i can’t seem to digest

is the resistance that the universe bestows

constant inconveniences to keep me on my toes

resistance of the supernatural kind 

and i wonder what it is that i’ve done wrong

my morning coffee grounds are strewn about the kitchen floor

the well-oiled handle never fails to stick 

there’s a sputter in the engine ‘though it’s recently been tuned 

the radio just up and quits

i’ve got a wine stain on my dress shirt, the one i bought last week

the tide stick melted in the center console

and every light at every intersection turns red

i run just one and see a state patrol

resistance that the universe hands out

never ending roadblocks to fill me up with doubt

resistance of the supernatural kind

and i wonder what it is that i’ve done wrong

sabotage, guerrilla warfare, and the stock exchange

resistances with reason, cause, effect and change

but resistance that the universe unlocks

proverbial punches to take me down a notch 

resistance of the supernatural kind 

i wonder what it is that i’ve done wrong

i don’t know what it is that i’ve done wrong